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Bible Study

Thursday Morning 9:30 AM – Bible Study

The Thursday morning Bible study is led by Jerry Heeren.  Together they take turns reading through books of the Bible verse by verse.  Recently the group finished reading Peter’s letters in the New Testament and are now reading through Judges in the Old Testament.


Wednesday 6:30 PM – Exploring the Faith Class

The Exploring the Faith Class is led by Pastor Andy after our Family Night Dinner during the school year.  The goal of this class is to provide a setting for Christians and non-Christians to explore the Christian faith as God has revealed Himself in Scripture. Currently, the class is looking at Biblical answers to a slew of questions submitted anonymously by the group.   

Sunday 9:30 AM – Bible Discussions

There are two Bible discussion opportunities available at Oak Road on Sunday mornings. Pastor Andy or Wade Rahtz leads one of these discussions in the Fellowship Hall.  Discussions are sometimes topical, seasonally themed or based on current events, or reading through a book of the Bible together.  The other Bible discussion is led by Jerry Heeren in our Library’s meeting space.  This discussion group meets with an open mind for discussion and sharing with the guiding rule that at least one Bible verse must be used in the conversation. 


Women’s Bible Study

Oak Road has a Women’s Bible Study group that meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 10:00 to 11:30 AM for Bible study and discussion and prayer with one another. Refreshments are shared. 

Men’s Bible Study

Thursday night has a late-night Bible study and prayer group for men.  They are currently reading through Matthew.  The Bible study is typically the first hour of the gathering and sharing and praying the second hour of the meeting. 

There is a Men’s Breakfast served on the first and third Saturdays of the month.  The breakfast is served at 8 AM in our Fellowship Hall with a Bible study and prayer session led after the breakfast by Jerry Rausch. Topics usually focus on Biblical prophecy, checking viral testimony videos with the revelation of God’s Word, the intersection of politics and current events with the Christian faith and walk, and the importance of the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.  The meeting ends by 10 AM. 

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